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Rueil Malmaison is a town between Paris and Saint Germain en Laye
in the west of the French capital.
It is part of the department Hauts de Seine (92)
part of the region Ile de France.

Rueil Malmaison's enchanting old town, with its narrow cobblestone streets,
half-timbered houses, and vibrant flower-filled squares,
exudes an aura of timeless elegance that transports visitors to a bygone era.
The city's rich cultural heritage is evident in its impressive Château de Rueil Malmaison,
the Musée du Vieux Rueil Malmaison, and the numerous artisan workshops that line its streets.

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Josephine de Beauharnais Rodin (1763 - 1814)
was the Empress of the French
was the first wife of Napoleon I.

She lived in Rueil Malmaison from 1799
to the end of her life.
Chateau de Malmaison her Empire style
home in Rueil Malmaison
has one of Europe's most extraordinairy Gardens
fille with exotic plants.
The empress had a particular passion
for cedar trees
which she loved to give as presents.
Many cedars around Paris go back to her,
the most famous one,
is the Cedre Imperial Meudon

Books about Josephine de Beauharnais
in French and English

Views of Malmaion
Chateau de Malmaison can be visited as a Museum

Books about Chateau de Malmaison

Rueil is the home
of Schneider Electric
a global energy technology company founded in 1836
by Adolphe and Joseph Eugene Schneider
in Le Creusot. / Schneider Electric

Thanks to Schneider Electvisitpauric
Rueil is one of the few cities in the world
to be the home of a
Two Letter Dom Com domain.

Schneider Electic manufacutres
Electric Circuit devices

Schneider Electric Products

Rueil Malmaison is known for
Château de Malmaison, Châteaux Museum
Gardes Suisses Museum, Histoire Locale Museum

Books about Rueil Malmaison
in French and English

To find people of companies
from Rueil Malmaison
please go to
Phone Book of the World

Tourist and Travel information
can be found in the
Phone Book of the World /

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View on Rueil Malmaison University, photo by Moonik